Emergency Bleed Control Locked Cabinet & Daniel Baird Bleed Control Kit Package With Celox Gauz
The perfect lifesaving combination – our emergency bleed control kit and a safe, secure, waterproof, and highly-visible bleed control cabinet to house it in.
Major injuries can happen in all environments, from car accidents to in home accidents, workplace machinery to, sadly, weaponised attacks. The Bleed Control Kits can handle the most testing of incidents including full amputations.
Key features of the cabinet:
- Secure, IP66, IK10 rated (Fully waterproof, dust proof and the highest impact rating available)
- Locked with a marine grade combination lock
- Highly visible front graphics
- No power required, can be installed anywhere
- Ventilated cabinet to prevent condensation
- Various mount options (pole/post mount, fence mount, wall mount, hoop bar mount etc.)
- Installation available for a complete package
When it comes to increasing the chances of saving a life in the event of catastrophic blood loss, response times and speed of treatment are paramount. The Turtle Engineering Emergency Bleed Control Cabinet is designed to be easily identifiable and accessible to minimise the time lost looking for equipment and maximise the chance of effective intervention.
Your options
We also offer combined cabinets housing both a bleed kit and a defibrillator. This provides a single source for for all publicly available, life saving medical equipment. We also offer an unlocked variant of this cabinet. The optional rain canopy can divert water from your cabinet and is useful if it is positioned in a high rainfall environment, this is also available separately.
As a UK manufacturer we can make and modify our cabinets to suit our customers needs, so please do contact us if you need a custom solution. Finally, we also offer full solutions including installation so please get in touch if this is something you require.
NOTE: For ease we have combined this kit and cabinet into a single package, if you would like just the cabinet or to substitute our Daniel Baird kit for a MERE kit, please let us know.
The Bleed Kit
The Daniel Baird Foundation Bleed Control Kit was developed by West Midlands Ambulance Service, leading consultants from the Trauma Network and the Daniel Baird Foundation to provide a kit of medical equipment that can be easily used by the public but can also control a catastrophic bleed. The kits are widely used across the country and have been used on several occasions to save a patients life.
What's included?
- Large trauma dressing – designed to control moderate bleeding
- Celox gauze – a haemostatic gauze dressing that is very effective, designed to control moderate to very severe haemorrhage
- Fox seal chest seal – An innovative dressing for emergency management of penetrating chest wounds
- Tactical mechanical tourniquet – easy to use tourniquet for stopping the flow of blood to the arms or legs
- Two pairs of disposable gloves – to provide personal protection to the person providing treatment
- Scissors – emergency sheers for quickly and effectively removing clothes
- Emergency foil blanket – keeps patient warm and protected from the elements
- CPR face mask – if CPR is required the face shield protects the user
- Marker pen – used to note the time a tourniquet is applied which is important when a hospital come to remove it later
After a major injury or trauma, it is critical to Control The Bleed until the Ambulance Service can take over and help the patient. In most cases, the Ambulance will not arrive before the patient has lost a critical amount of blood, it is therefore essential the public intervene to Control The Bleed. Doing so could save a life. None of the medical devices in the Emergency Bleed Control Kit require training to use and the 999 Operator will be able to talk the user through the process. Instructions are also included inside the cabinet.
About The Daniel Baird Foundation
This purchase includes a £10 donation to the Daniel Baird Foundation to help them continue their excellent work in promoting and educating on the importance on Controlling the Bleed.
The Daniel Baird Foundation has been established in memory of Daniel Baird. Daniel was just 26 years of age when he was fatally stabbed in Birmingham in July 2017, following a night out with friends, in an area where no bleed control kit or trauma pack was at hand to use. The family of Daniel Baird believe that, had there been a publicly accessible bleed control pack available, Daniel’s life may not have been cut so short.