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Why AEDs (Automated External Defibrilator) be used in every office

Why AEDs (Automated External Defibrilator) be used in every office

Installing life saving defibrilator device

Given today’s shrinking economy, employers are trying to reduce expenses in every possible manner. But there are different types of safety and health precautions that cannot be parted with. Employee health and wellness needs to be the primary concern of every organization. This is why every organization needs to have life saving devices like AED (Automated External defibrilator). Sudden cardiac arrest is considered to be one common workplace danger. It involves unexpected, rapid, loss of breathing, heart function and consciousness. Lack of timely treatment will only result in sudden cardiac death. Survival will be possibly if only the person is provided with appropriate, fast medical care. Hence, it does make sense for any organization with several employees to invest in AEDs. It also instills confidence in the employees that they are cared for and allow them to give their best.

Saving huge amounts

For surviving coworkers and employer alike, workplace related death can prove to be a challenge at diverse levels. Emotional aspects following a death are the most notable one. It includes reduced morale, fear, anxiety, depression, etc. The deceased employee’s institutional and intellectual knowledge also affects the organization. At the same time, workplace survivors are directly impacted by financial strains, possible litigation and high insurance premiums. The truth is that no price tag can be placed on the deceased coworker. But the surviving workforce might be faced with several financial repercussions that could hit them hard. Moreover, the employer would have to spend a good amount of time, resource and money to hire a new staff to fill up that vacant position. Instead, money, time and the pain could have been saved by installing a defibrilator.

How can any organisation avoid such workplace tragedies?

All facilities or offices to install appropriate life-saving devices like CPR masks, Automated External defibrilator, and easy access to telephones to dial emergency. Also should be set up workplace culture of wellness and health. There should be created a break room providing employees with healthy snack choices and clean water. Employee screenings to be coordinated enabling them to know confidently if they suffer from some health risk factor. If so, then it should be addressed immediately. Such employees should be provided with vital suggestions and ensure they get thorough checkups and timely treatments to improve their heart health. It is necessary to acknowledge the fact that sudden cardiac arrest has been declared to be a common, unpredictable workplace tragedy. Hence, as an employer, you need to ensure impart wellness and health education among your employees. Also install emergency medical products like AEDs(Automated External defibrilator).

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